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Policing by consent: Understanding and improving relations between Gypsies, Roma, Irish Travellers and the police’

01 Jun 2018

Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) communities have faced discrimination since the Egyptians Act in 1530 which banned Gypsies from England and allowed the authorities to confiscate their property if they refused to leave. Today, evidence shows that GRT communities remain the most marginalised within society when it comes to their relationship with the authorities, including the police, fraught with difficulty and mistrust on both sides. This research by Traveller Movement provides critical insights into the current relationship between the police and these communities and offers solutions for the way forward. 

Policing by consent: Understanding and improving relations between Gypsies, Roma, Irish Travellers and the police’

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Policing by consent: Understanding and improving relations between Gypsies, Roma, Irish Travellers and the police’