Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people from Romani (Gypsy), Roma and Irish Traveller (GRT) communities are not always treated with dignity and respect. Homophobia can be present and this can seriously impact the health and wellbeing of LGBT individuals. LGBT people tend to hide this aspect of themselves due to their religious beliefs or their fear of rejection from their family and wider community
Where to find support?
If you are confused or struggling with your sexual or gender identity, that is okay. You have a right to support. Below we have listed a few key organisations that offer LGBT+ support, but you can find a longer list within our information sheet for LGBT+ people and their families.
Safety planning, information and support:
- GALOP (0207 704 2040): GALOP are an LGBT and anti-violence charity.
They have a variety of safety tips - LGBT Switchboard (0300 330 0630): a charity that provides confidential advice to members of the LGBT community
- Gendered Intelligence (0330 3559 678) work with the trans community and those who impact on trans lives
- LGBT Foundation (0345 3 30 30 30): a national charity delivering a wide range of services to LGBT communitie
Additional resources:
- Stonewall’s guide to coming out
- LGBT Catholics Westminster run support groups for members of the LGBT community
- Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (FFLAG): A national charity dedicated to supporting parents and their lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans sons and daughters
- Proud 2 B Parents: services include: a monthly drop- in, a youth group for children of LGBT parents, activities and events and much more
LGBT Helpful Guides
We have created a helpful guide for LGBT people and their families to seek support